

I had the pleasure of taking some headshots for one of my all-time favorite people and best friends, Joy, last week. Other than being obviously stunning, Joy is one of the funniest people I know, has an incredible heart to pursue Christ, and is my personal cheerleader through all life's ups and downs. I'm so thankful for her, and today is her birthday!! Enjoy her shoot!


Hannah's Senior Pictures

I've had the privilege of knowing Hannah since middle school - we became fast friends (even though she was a super cool high schooler) and have been doing life together ever since. I love this girl with my whole heart, and I'm so glad I got the chance to spend the evening with her! Enjoy the photos!


Taylor's Senior Pictures

One of my favorite people on this planet is graduating COLLEGE in about a month, so we celebrated by waking up early and taking her senior pictures all around Waco.

I'm so glad to know this girl. She's easy to laugh with, makes a darn good pancake, and is one of the greatest examples of Christlike love that I have in my life. Any time spent with Taylor is a joy, and these photos were no exception, so enjoy!